Raiders @ Donkeys

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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby DeadRinger » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:29 pm

It's only a rebuild if you're bringing in a new QB. This is NOT a rebuild, we have a vet QB with a vet 1000-yd WR and a vet SB-winning RB who looks like a fucking madman out there. We have a fucking o-line that's been together for fucking YEARS.

Dude come on, this is FAR from a rebuild.

I knew we weren't going to the playoffs because I knew what we had on our team. I knew Obi was nothing. I knew Karl Joseph was no Kam Chancellor. I knew Jelly Ellis was below average. I knew Edwards Jr. would never be a beast again after that neck problem. I knew our CBs were a fuckin wreck. I knew some rookies were going to have to step up on the DL. I knew our depth was EXTREMELY limited almost across the board.

Come on guys. You HAD to know this shit. This was no rebuild, it was a simple house cleaning, taking out the trash. Losing Mack was a problem for 2018. No question. But again, I'm looking at 2019 anyway so I'm not despairing.

All I want to see is improvement. I want to see us start winning some games, see Carr start pushing the ball downfield, see our D stop the run... I want to see us become a team that concerns our opponents by the time the season's over. If we can do that, even if we miss the playoffs, I'll call it a success.

i want Key to have at least 6 sacks. Hurst to have a handful. Miller to keep up the brick wall act.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby silver & black » Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:02 pm

This was no rebuild, it was a simple house cleaning, taking out the trash. Losing Mack was a problem for 2018. No question. But again, I'm looking at 2019 anyway so I'm not despairing.

Okay... bad choice of words on my part. House cleaning is exactly what this is. It had to be done.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby FreddieB25 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:10 pm

Doug Martin, Jordy Nelson and quite a few old fucks on defense. Most if not all of these guys won't be on this roster in a year or two. Gruden wasting two roster spots on Nelson and Martin is despicable. Those guys are fuckin done and should be out of football. Our highest paid player by far Carr isn't being asked the tough questions and for a gutless fuck like him getting what he's getting with zero fuckin leadership skills permeates this roster. Mark Davis giving the authority and m9ney to Gruden was just utter bullshit. Gruden is over rated on so many levels its a joke at this point.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby DeadRinger » Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:14 am

Fred, you're believing the media bullshit man. And that's exactly what it is, bullshit. They love nothing more than to get their teeth into a narrative and roll with it, piling on top of each other whether it makes sense or not.

We lost to the fucking donkeys by a blocked extra point in THEIR house. Carr was carving them up, Coop was slicing them up and Lynch was chewing them up. The media have those assholes ranked like #7 or #9 or something, and us ranked like #28. It's all a crock of horse shit. It's nothing but mental masturbation, man.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby FreddieB25 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:53 am

We were up 12-0 and 19-7 in the Mule game. Fact is this team ran out of gas in the 4th qtr. Carving what up? For 19 points. Fuck Carr, big deal. Fuckin 25 mil garbage. Stat boy cocksucker loser!!! Gruden has a bunch of old fucks on 1 yr contracts and it will result in a 4 or 5 win season. We took a shit in the 4th qtr in both games. Way to go Chucky. Same motherfucker who was up 13-3 in a blizzard in Foxboro with 9 mins left in the tuck game. Tired of he and his pet loser Carr. Carr is Jeff George, nice stats but never wins because he ain't no leader. Carr's shtick got old years ago. Trade his ass for picks
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:00 am

I get your anger, Gruden comes off like a douche. I’m in Shitcago! I’m furious cause I hear about Mack everyday. Even if we had him we still wouldn’t have won those games. But think of this, Kolton Miller looked good against Rams & Broncos two great defenses. That POS Donald Penn gave up the sacks. Hurst & Key also looking pretty decent for rookies. It will be nice to actually have some picks pan out for once. With Reggie, they are busts. We might have fuckin Rich Kotite or Rex Ryan if REggie selected a new coach instead of Gruden. Gruden can coach. Sean mcvie is a Gruden disciple, he’s a good coach. Difference between him & Gruden is he has great players & Gruden has scrubs on defense. He has these old one year deal guys because as shitty as that sounds they are better than what REggie had. We knew this year was a waste, that’s why I’m not as pissed as I was when we initially traded Mack. We also have a good D coordinator. We haven’t been able to get that in what 25 years? The media HATES Gruden, not to mention they are full of shit. I actually saw an article where they were analyzing how far away Carr stands from Gruden on sidelines trying to read their body language! WTF? Sports media is a fuckn disgrace, these assholes got nothing to write about so they make shit up.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby FreddieB25 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:55 am

The Ram loss I could deal with because they are bonafied Lombardi contenders although we hung late into the 3rd qtr. The loss to the hated Mule when we controlled that game into the 4th qtr set me off. HAVE TO put away and finish games like that. Seemed like the game slowed down and 1st downs were hard to come by. Gruden has a history of getting conservative and sitting on games in the 4th when we're leading. Go for the jugular!!! Move the chains and milk clock. Our defense up 19-17 in the last 2 mins, Dungver ball their own like 10 yd line and 2nd and 20 and they march down the field for the winning FG. That reminded me of Breshnahan and Norton jr defenses. WE HAVE TO BEAT MIAMI AND CLEVELAND to sit at 2-2 or our season is toast and guys are going to shut down and the morale will be gone.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby FreddieB25 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:02 am

I look at an NFL season as four game blocks, four times for a sixteen game sked. We're 0-2 in the first block and have a chance to go 2-2 and have a .500 pct block. Team goes 2-2 in all four blocks your guaranteed an 8-8 year. Good teams go 2-2, 3-1 or 4-0 in those blocks. Key in the NFL is winning the 4th qtr and finishing games. No more excuses, get her done.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby DeadRinger » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:17 am

I watched Penn get pancaked flat on his ass, bowled over like a bitch right off the snap for the sack against DEN. That motherfucker is washed up, we're damn lucky Gruden went for Miller in the draft.
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Re: Raiders @ Donkeys

Postby FreddieB25 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:40 am

I thought Jordy Nelson was here to get those yards on 2nd and 6 and 3rd and 5 late in games to move the chains and milk clock. What's he making a year? Vet experience and crafty? More like old and slow and another Gruden cocksucker along with Doug Martin. What is Carr's completion pct when the ball is in the air for at least 8 to 10 yards from the line of scrimmage? Motherfucker has padded inflated comp pct and ydge because he's Captain Dink and Dunk Checkdown master. If 25 mill buys you that than I should be an NFL QB. What's Carr's completion pct and yds per completion in the 4th qtr in a one score game? Fact is last year and these two games this year our Carr is a fuckin lemon in the 4th qtr. Enough about that loser. Winners win and take losing like a stab in the heart unlike our eye liner wearing, bible thumping lemon Carr.
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