President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

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President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby blazin1 » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:21 pm

President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore ... -rushmore/

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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby PHXR8R » Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:47 pm

Libtards heads exploding left and right as we speak.
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby 790thSFS » Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:02 pm

lets put Putin's head up there while we are at it
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby FreddieB25 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:42 pm

790thSFS wrote:lets put Putin's head up there while we are at it

Obama, Hilary, Schumer, Pelosi and others are a fuckin disgrace!!! Rahm Emanuel dem mayor of Shitcago sure is doing a good job as mayor. Black on black homicides have been through the roof for years and that asshole has done nothing. Maybe conservative Guiliani should be mayor there and make it a nice city like he did for NYC
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby PHXR8R » Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:54 pm

FreddieB25 wrote:
790thSFS wrote:lets put Putin's head up there while we are at it

Obama, Hilary, Schumer, Pelosi and others are a fuckin disgrace!!! Rahm Emanuel dem mayor of Shitcago sure is doing a good job as mayor. Black on black homicides have been through the roof for years and that asshole has done nothing. Maybe conservative Guiliani should be mayor there and make it a nice city like he did for NYC

You forgot Sweinstein and Bloomberg. They are not only disgraces to our country, they all should be locked up in jail for treason. They are an affront to freedom and democracy.
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby DeadRinger » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:21 pm

790thSFS wrote:lets put Putin's head up there while we are at it

Why? Because Obama had much more flexibility to work w him after his 2nd election?

Or is it the glorious “Russian Reset” masterminded by the murderous evil soulless skank who lost to Trump?
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby FreddieB25 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:50 pm

Hilary is the biggest joke in national politics. Fuckin cunt was inept, lied about Benghazi and stood by scumbag Bill because she foresaw a political career and tremendous wealth and influence for her family when Bill left the White house. Fuckin dyke sold her soul...fuckin gutless piece of trash. She ran a terrible campaign in 2016. Worse I ever saw by a party nominee.
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby PHXR8R » Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:26 am

Just fill in the blanks with any dick war from either party that shite on the constitution and sells out to foreign interests and the banking cabal, big pharma, the military industrial complex, the Vatican, the deep state etc... Ain’t one of them worth a fuck. Be responsible for your own welfare and safety or be at the mercy of these pedophile satanic cock suckers. Fuck them all.
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby DeadRinger » Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:28 am

I try to teach my kids the meaning of "conflict of interest." Because it's EVERYWHERE in government, non-profit and, to a much lesser extent, in business.

The job that the person in office is SUPPOSED to do is in direct opposition to how they gain power and get rich. The "concepts" of our founding and our Constitution - Protecting the country and its citizens, protecting the RIGHTS of the citizens, reining in the tyranny of government, clearing the way for people and business to succeed... All these things are nothing but punch lines in DC.

Now we have a bunch of idiot teenagers (all teenagers are idiots - all passion, no knowledge) are marching in Washington to try to take my guns from me.

All I can say is: Thank God the Shrew didn't win. We'd be good and truly fucked.

As far as those who want to trash the 2nd, I say this: Why the fuck would ANYONE beg the government to revoke ANY right we have? It's the most moronic thing in the world. I tell my kids all the time: Individual freedom is the BEST way to live. Not the safest, but the best. And anyone who is willing to trade a right for "safety" winds up only giving the government more and more control, and the safety they wanted so much is nothing but an illusion.

Every single gun control law on the books is illegal.

The only place you can draw the line is "mass destruction" - type devices. Those technically can't be defined as "arms." But anything i can carry - full auto assault rifles, bazooka, mini-gun, WHATEVER - is my 2nd amendment RIGHT to keep and bear. And everyone who has ever been involved in writing, voting for or signing laws that restrict that right should be thrown in prison. Forever. Because they're tyrants.

There is no such thing as a "Constitutional" gun control law. The Supreme Court has sold out the US citizens by allowing fed, states and locals to enact their own gun control laws. It was LONG ago decided in courts that the protections in the Bill of Rights apply every bit as much to states and locals as they do to fed.

ILLEGAL. All of it.
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Re: President Donald Trump To Be Added To Mount Rushmore

Postby PHXR8R » Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:00 am

250,000,000.... the conservative number for citizens killed in the 21st century by way of democide. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and the list goes on. Give up guns because it provides security. Benjamin Franklin, “Those who would give up freedom for security will receive nor deserve neither.” When the government is afraid of the people, we have citizens. When the people are afraid of the government, we have subjects. It comes down to obeying unconstitutional laws should they pass. If NJ and MA are any indication, I suspect few will turn in their guns when the time comes. Those states report that only 3-5-% of suspected “assault” weapons were turned in from the numbers estimated to be on the books. This includes those who “registered” said weapons with new legislation. These are true blue states. March all the fuck they want, it will not matter when push comes to shove. They will get a mighty shove back.
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