Watching the AL v FL game

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Watching the AL v FL game

Postby DeadRinger » Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:23 pm

I honestly believe AL’s defense is better than ours. I really don’t think I’m exaggerating.

You know how, every single time an offense throws a pass out to the flat against us, the receiver is out there all alone and gains 12-15 yards? Well, AL defenders are in the right place at the right time,. They understand their assignments and, even if the receiver makes the catch, they’re there to make the stop before it becomes a big gain.

So all the bullshit that works like a charm against us doesn’t fly against them because they play responsible, fundamentally sound defense.

I think that, two days ago, Herbert would have had a harder time scoring against AL than he did against LVR.

Our guys are coming off their men in zone too quick, resulting in TDs. They’re covering the wrong guy, leaving receivers wide open for massive gains down the sideline. We vacate the middle like it’s free, leaving a massive hole the TE can just walk into and occupy like a fucking invading force.


I think I’ve figured out our defensive philosophy. Seriously. Tell me what you guys think. It’s genius if you really think about it, although it’s not quite working out for us yet.

What we’re trying to do is leave SO MANY guys open that the opposing QB can’t process them all quickly enough and our rushers get a chance to get to him. It’s sort of a “flood” technique, only we’re flooding the QB with open receivers. See what I’m saying? The QB has too many to choose from, and can’t make up his mind. THAT is the strategy.

Now I’m not sure why it’s not working yet because we’ve got the whole “leave as many receivers wide open as possible” part DOWN PAT. So there must be some nuance of the strategy - some small yet critical piece of the scheme - that I’m not seeing. And I’m sure that once we get that down we’ll be GOLDEN!

Just a matter of time guys. Maybe by next year we’ll have it all in place.
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Re: Watching the AL v FL game

Postby silver & black » Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:16 am

The only thing they could do would be to just stand there after the ball is snapped. That would surely confuse the fuck out the opposing team!
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