Sorry guys, but it has to be the Pats.

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Re: Sorry guys, but it has to be the Pats.

Postby Forbiddenraider » Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:15 am

FreddieB25 wrote:NFL got exposed after that Saint robbery non call. Twitter, social media, sports media and football fans that weren't even fans of either team were outraged after that non call. Took Goodell 10 fuckin days after the game to talk about that non call. NFL is a joke and they do manipulate games on purpose. It's fake and a blatant lie, not all of it but some of it and thats enough for me. It's all sports as well.

I agree. If Brady wins it again on some fluke play or BS call I’m gonna quit watching this shit. The tuck rule was their most creative outlandish shit they ever came up with to give Brady the call.
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Re: Sorry guys, but it has to be the Pats.

Postby DeadRinger » Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:20 pm

Well, the NFL is about a $25Bn business.

Any time that kind of money’s involved, people are doing everything they can to influence outcomes.

Take the Saints no-call for example.

Already fans are blowing it off, telling people to get over it and “let it go.” And what’s their rationale for saying that?

Well, first they say “bad calls happen all the time.” Tuesday they get blown the fuck out of the water with that one because calls sure as fuck don’t get blown THAT badly all the time. In fact, calls hardly EVER get blown that badly. So that’s a total bullshit line of argument.

Then they say people need to get over it, “it’s just a game.”

REALLY? Just a fucking GAME?? I beg to fucking differ. This is people’s livelihoods. And it goes WAY beyond the players. All the way down to janitors, laundry people, valets, cashiers... this is a MASSIVE international business.

And THAT no-call shifted MILLIONS of dollars around from pocket to pocket all over the world. It cost people bonuses, jobs, fortunes - who knows, maybe even their lives if they lost everything they had and decided to open up a vein...

So it pisses me off to no end when these myopic idiots talk about these things like it’s no big deal. It’s a fucking MASSIVE deal.

I had a job in a company about the size of the NFL. If someone in that company had made a mistake the size of that no-call, people would be fired all over the place, there would be lawsuits, people would be under criminal investigation.
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Re: Sorry guys, but it has to be the Pats.

Postby FreddieB25 » Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:38 pm

That ref probably got a first class 2 week vacation to Tahiti after he did what he was told and screw the Saints when he could. It's just business in the NFL's eyes. They got their LA franchise in the Super bowl.
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Re: Sorry guys, but it has to be the Pats.

Postby silver & black » Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:48 pm

The defenseless player call in the 1st quarter against the Rams was total bullshit.
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Re: Sorry guys, but it has to be the Pats.

Postby FreddieB25 » Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:38 pm

silver & black wrote:The defenseless player call in the 1st quarter against the Rams was total bullshit.

It was as well as this Cheatriot dynasty. Goff sucks balls!! That INT down 10-3 was dumb fuckery!!! Lambs shouldn't even be in this game. Brees and the Aints with a real QB would have been more interesting. Same bullshit different year. Pats in 4 of last 5 Super bowls...enough already.
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Re: Sorry guys, but it has to be the Pats.

Postby DeadRinger » Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:15 am

FreddieB25 wrote:It was as well as this Cheatriot dynasty. Goff sucks balls!! That INT down 10-3 was dumb fuckery!!! Lambs shouldn't even be in this game. Brees and the Aints with a real QB would have been more interesting. Same bullshit different year. Pats in 4 of last 5 Super bowls...enough already.

Agreed, I think the Saints could have taken the Pats. With a Swiss Army knife like Kamara, a thumper like Ingram, a dominator like Thomas and a pinpoint motherfucker like Brees, no way could NE hold that offense down like they did the Rams.

This whole fucking thing is bunk. The officiating team from that Saints abortion BETTER be fired, to the man.
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