Let's assume Lynch is gone.

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Re: Let's assume Lynch is gone.

Postby PHXR8R » Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:15 pm

Exactly my point... lmao...fuck Lynch, Penn, and any other of their ilk. Those two were supposed to be the “elder statesmen” of that locker room. Should have seen the train wreck coming thinking back on it. DC and Mack really need to step up their locker room presence. I think Bowman is a good locker room guy. He’s the type of dude that can support and elevate the legitimacy of young stars in the locker room. The exact opposite of Penn and Lynch. According to some beat reporters, losing Reece, Holmes, and of all people, Michael Rivera made it that much easier for Lynch and Penn to poison the locker room. Reece is a Nation lifer, and Holmes and Rivera had time on the team and each of them were mature and appreciated the type of work and dedication necessary to keep a job in the NFL. Those are the losses that don’t show up on the box scores, but they definitely show up on th W/L columns.
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