Raiders Shouldn't Give Up on Defensive Tackle Tommy Kelly

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Raiders Shouldn't Give Up on Defensive Tackle Tommy Kelly

Postby blazin1 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:09 am

Tommy Kelly had a miserable season last year, and the majority of Raider Nation has already written him off for next year.

In 2012, a season where the Raiders were about as dysfunctional as an organization could possibly be, Kelly recorded just 1.5 sacks while making $5.4 million.

After raking in plenty of undeserved cash while having such an abysmal year, it's easy to hate Kelly and his ridiculous contract.

He caught some major flack for his disappointing season, and rightfully so. Just like the rest of the Oakland Raiders, he failed to live up to the gargantuan contract given to him by Al Davis.

Kelly's cap hit in 2013 is an astronomical $11 million, and he needs to restructure his contract if he wants any chance of wearing the silver and black for the 10th-straight season.

Despite his age and his poor performance, however, I'm not ready to give up on him just yet.

Yes, this was a down year for Kelly, but let's not forget that between 2010-11 he had 14.5 sacks, two forced fumbles and an interception while anchoring Oakland's defense.

Kelly has also been one of the most durable defensive tackles in the NFL and hasn't missed a game since 2007.

At 6'6'', 325 pounds, he still has gas in his tank and is a huge, physical presence on a defensive line that will be much improved next season.

Kelly showed he is still passionate about his team after he defended Lamarr Houston during a brawl with Cincinatti Bengals' offensive tackle Andrew Whitworth in Week 12.

Kelly also made it known that he and the rest of the Raiders' defense was going after Cam Newton when the Carolina Panthers ended Carson Palmer's season in Week 16.

Even in the midst of a frustrating year, a year where he didn't record his first sack until Week 15, Kelly still went on the field to stick up for his team.

Regardless of his performance, the man showed he has heart and put the Raiders first, something Davis always tried to instill in his players.

The Raiders are looking to get younger on defense, and with Seymour out of the picture, Kelly will be the most senior starter on the defensive line.

2012 was the first experimental year in the Reggie McKenzie-Dennis Allen era, and 2013 will bring a more stable approach to a defense that gave up less than 17 points per game during the last month of the season.

Kelly will play with a chip on his shoulder next year after having the worst season of his career the year before.

For the Raiders, it's the best thing the doctor could have ordered.

A big, angry defensive tackle with something to prove is someone Oakland desperately needs.

Mark my words. Kelly will have a much better year in 2013. I mean, after such a down year in 2012, he really has nowhere to go but up.

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Re: Raiders Shouldn't Give Up on Defensive Tackle Tommy Kell

Postby Tenebrous » Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:01 am

Yeah, tend to agree; with the coaching mess it is hard to gauge players, but Kelly has shown that he can be a force when properly motivated - I doubt any player was properly motivated on a 4-12 team.
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Re: Raiders Shouldn't Give Up on Defensive Tackle Tommy Kell

Postby Del » Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:09 am

Pay cut, keep.
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Re: Raiders Shouldn't Give Up on Defensive Tackle Tommy Kell

Postby 790thSFS » Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:11 pm

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Re: Raiders Shouldn't Give Up on Defensive Tackle Tommy Kell

Postby bigboy3333 » Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:30 pm

another one of Al Davis pets, that need to be shown the by letting him go I think we will save 6 or 7m on the cap .
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