Rams, Raiders, Chargers pitch proposals to bring NFL to LA

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Rams, Raiders, Chargers pitch proposals to bring NFL to LA

Postby RF34 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:21 am

The starting line is a bit blurry and the finish line is still a few months away, but the three-team race to bring the NFL back to Los Angeles is most certainly underway.

And the winding course passed through New York on Wednesday, where the St. Louis Rams, Oakland Raiders and San Diego Chargers updated the NFL’s six-owner Los Angeles Opportunity Committee on the status of stadium plans in their home markets and, more importantly, where things stand with the Ram’s Inglewood stadium project and the Chargers’ and Raiders’ Carson proposal.

The NFL will reconvene in Chicago on Aug. 11 for a Los Angeles-specific meeting in which all 32 owners will be updated on where things stand at that point.

Although plenty of unresolved issues remain — including what San Diego and Oakland can deliver in terms of local stadium plans to keep the Chargers and Raiders — it’s looking more and more like the NFL will soon decide between the Rams’ Inglewood plan and the Raiders’ and Chargers’ Carson project by early next year, if not sooner.

Which made Wednesday an important part of the process.

And make no mistake, the Los Angeles aspect of the updates most certainly dominated the day, with longtime NFL executive Carmen Policy delivering most of the Carson message on behalf of Chargers owner Dean Spanos and Raiders owner Mark Davis, and Rams owner Stan Kroenke and team president Kevin Demoff updating owners on Inglewood.

hit the link for more info...

http://www.dailynews.com/sports/2015061 ... -nfl-to-la
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